Shipping containers next to gantry cranes at the Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai, China, on Monday, Jan, 11, 2021. U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweeted that "trade wars are good, and easy to win" in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts.
Shipping containers next to gantry cranes at the Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai, China, on Monday, Jan, 11, 2021. U.S. President Donald Trump famously tweeted that "trade wars are good, and easy to win" in 2018 as he began to impose tariffs on about $360 billion of imports from China. Turns out he was wrong on both counts.

El mundo está al borde de múltiples guerras comerciales. Donald Trump, un hombre que considera los aranceles “el mejor invento de la historia”, disfrutará desatar algunas de esas guerras. Por desgracia, lo más seguro es que esas guerras provoquen otros choques no deseados que tendrán que poner en marcha bloques y países cuya prosperidad depende del acceso a los mercados extranjeros.