Redacción Gestión

Central RestauranteAddress: Calle Santa Isabel 376, Miraflores.

Average prices: Main dishes cost between S/. 59 and S/. 89, while a tasting experience of 11 or 17 dishes can cost up to S/. 388.

Recommended dishes: Some regular diners recommend the Roast Avocado, Charred Purple Corn-Scented Octopus, 21-Day Suckling Piglet and Leg of Suckling Goat.

Astrid & GastónAddress: Av. Paz Soldán 290, San Isidro.

Average prices: A tasting menu costs around S/. 380; an extensive dessert based mainly around chocolate is included.

Recommended dishes: Guinea pig, poached vegetables, pistacchios, mustard leaves; and sea scallops, cauliflower, almonds, citrus.

MaidoAddress: Calle San Martín 399, Miraflores.

Average prices: A menu costs above S/. 300 per person. The price of a dish a la carte menu ranges between S/. 140 and S/. 180, depending on the products used.

Recommended dishes: In addition to the "Nikkei Experience" that includes 15 courses and lasts for about 2.5 hours, diners can also try the "tacuchaufa" with bacon and the "sanguchitos" of steamed bread.

La MarAddress: Av. La Mar 770, Miraflores.

Average prices: Some diners mention that the dishes can cost above S/. 90, although the price varies and depends on whether it is a catch of the day or other product. A selection of liquors is also available to go with the dishes.

Recommended dishes: fried silverfish with a good Pisco Sour. The varieties are different and the daily catch a smart choice. Grilled octopus, lobster and squid are other interesting alternatives.

MalabarAddress: Camino Real 101, San Isidro.

Average prices: Prices for a tasting menu start at S/. 120. Its cocktails with fresh and 100% local products are also in high demand.

Recommended dishes: Pedro Miguel Schiaffino's delightful offer includes beef tongue with dried berries and a "merengón de la selva" as dessert. Regular diners also recommend Malabar's drinks such as Dry Martini with Gin Citadelle and cardamom, the Pisco Punch and the Old Fashioned.

FiestaAddress: Av. Reducto 1278, Miraflores.

Average prices: Prices in the range of S/. 120. Chef Hector Solis has earned a special place in the hearts of Peruvians thanks to his work and great charisma at Fiesta.

Recommended dishes: grilled ceviche, ceviche Fiesta and duck with rice are some of the diners' top choices.